Easter Cake and Easter Muffins

Easter Cake Bake 2 [March 31st, 2008] This year I decided to bake a classic sponge cake for Easter. When I was finished, I had one heart and six muffins made out of sponge cake. Typical for me …

But since a heart-shaped cake is still a cake, I’m going to participate in Julia’s Easter Cake Bake on A Slice of Cherry Pie again.

Sponge Cake and Sponge Muffins

Source: March 24th, 2008 by Sus
Categories: Baking, Sponge Cake, Muffin, Easter
Yields: 1 heart-shaped cake and 6 muffins



Sponge batter:
4 Egg whites
4 Egg yolks
4-5 tablespoons Warm water
150 gram Sugar
2 pck. Vanilla sugar
150 gram Wheat flour, fine
1 teaspoon Baking powder
250 gram Wild berry mix, frozen (I wanted rasberries, but did not find them in my freezer.)
100 ml Whipping cream
1 pck. Whipped cream stabilizer (may be omitted)
3-4 tablespoons Sugar
Chocolate coating


Prehreat the oven to 200 degrees C (390 degrees F).

Whip the egg yolk with the water until frothy. Slowly add 2/3 of the sugar and the vanilla sugar. Continue whipping until the consistency is very creamy.

Beat the egg whites in another bowl until foamy. Add the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Add the egg white to the yolk without stirring.

Mix the baking powder with the flour and sift it on top of the egg mixture. Fold in everything carefully.

Grease the baking-tins (or silicones) and fill with the batter. Bake immediately for about 15 to 20 minutes. Do not open the oven door the first ten minutes, because the cake might collapse.

In the meantime put the frozen berries with the sugar into a small pot and simmer until soft. Purée with a mixer and strain through a sieve. Leave it until cool.

Remove the cake and the muffin from the oven and let cool on a cooling rack.

Cut them into halves horizontally with a sharp knife or with a string.

Whip the cream with the stabilizer and some sugar. Carefully mix with the berry sauce. Spread thickly on the lower halves of the cake and the muffins. Also spread some berry cream on the top halves, but not so much. Put the upper parts on the lower parts. Decorate with chocolate coating.



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