Summer Simulation

I prepared this soup for a German food blog event: Summer Soups – well, the calendar says it is still summer but the weather cannot read, I’m afraid.

This soup is really simple and quick to prepare. And it is also useful for minimizing large stocks of tomatoes.

Though the sun was shining, it was still too cold to eat outside. So we sat in the dining room behind glass windows and simulated the summer.

Cold Tomato Soup


Source: 18.08.2007 by Sus
Categories: Soup, Tomato
Yields: 2 Servings


400 gram Tomatoes
3-4 Garlic cloves
2 small Onions
1-2 tea spoons Lemon-scented thyme leaves
2 table spoons Olive oil (good quality)
Pepper; freshly ground


Peel and cut the onions in small pieces. Brown them together with the chopped garlic in a pan with some oil.

Wash and cut the tomatoes in quarters and put them with the onions in a bowl. Add half of the thyme leaves, oil, salt and pepper. Blend thoroughly with a mixer and strain through a sieve with large holes. Season again, if necessary. Put into the refridgerator until cold.

Serve in soup plates or bowls decorated with some thyme leaves.

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