Flat …

BreadBakingDay #7  [March 1st, 2008]This month was too short, although it has one day more than usual. I wanted to try at least one other flatbread, but again I didn’t have the time. So I am going to present for the Bread Baking Day #7, which this time is graciously hosted by Petra of Chili und Ciabatta my chapati bread, which already took part in this meal. (Very clever of me: One meal, two events!)


Source: Anne Wilson: Classic Essential Bread and Buns
Typed 13.02.08 by Sus
Categories: Bread, Flatbread, India
Yields: 20 Pieces



1 cup = 250 ml
2 1/2 cups Wholemeal spelt flour, fine
1 teaspoon Salt
1 tablespoon Oil
1 cup Warm water
1/2 cup Wholemeal spelt flour, fine (additionally)
1 teaspoon Black sesame (Nigella)


Put flour and salt in large bowl, form a well. Add oil and water. Using a cooking spoon first and then the hands, incorporate the flour into the liquid ingredients to form a smooth dough.

Turn out onto a floured surface and kneed for 15 minutes, do not add more flour. Roll to smooth ball and let rise in a covered bowl for at least two hours (even over night if necessary).

Divide the dough into 20 equal parts and form each to a ball. Roll out each ball to a flat round cake. Cover each chapati with plastic foil and let rest while doing the others.

Heat a cast-iron pan very hot. Bake each chapati for one minute, then turn and bake for another minute until it is brown. With a folded dish towel press the edges of the chapati down to create air bubbles.

Sprinkle each chapati with black sesame and pile them in a clean dish towel to keep them warm and soft. Serve immediately. The go well with curries and vegetarian food.

Time: 40 minutes + 2 hours or more unattended time


– Because I do not have cast-iron pan, I used a normal teflon-coated one. But the chapatis didn’t get brown and crispy. With a few drops of oil it worked.


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