Coffee or Hot Chocolate?


World_Nutella_Day_Final_m-300x207.jpgLast week I got a tip from a colleague what to do with a nearly empty jar of Nutella. This weekend we tried it … delicious! SmileyLecker.gif

Coincidently, today is World Nutella Day. Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso are celebrating it every year on February 5th.


Nutella Coffee

Source: 04.02.2012 by Sus
Categories: Chocolate, Coffee, Nutella
Yields: 1 serving


1 Empty jar of Nutella
1 cup (250 ml) Hot, strong Coffee


Take a jar of Nutella which you would consider empty (not enough left for another slice of bread). Remove the cardboard from the lid. Pour the hot coffee into the jar and close the lid as tightly as possible. Over the sink shake the jar well until all Nutella has dissolved. Pour back into the cup and enjoy!

2 Gedanken zu „Coffee or Hot Chocolate?“

    1. Das sehe ich aber auch so, hört sich super an. schade das ich grade keine nutella zur Hand habe, würde es sonst direkt ausprobieren 😀 Aber morgen früh sieht das dann wieder besser aus 🙂

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