Red, white AND Swiss …

Swiss National Day - Red, white or SwissYesterday I picked the very last red currants. We wanted to eat them just as they were, but instead of simply using some sugar, I got the idea to decorate them with white chocolate shavings. And being the good little food blogger that I am, I took a picture. Only after having eaten them with relish (a very nice combination!), I remembered Zorra’s current blog event „Red, White or Swiss“. Well, we have red, we have white and the chocolate is one of the most famous Swiss chocolates: the one with the mountains. Bingo!


This order of events unfortunately prevented me of taking another, nicer picture.


2 Gedanken zu „Red, white AND Swiss …“

    1. Ja, Johannisbeeren gibt’s in der Schweiz auch und die Schoggi gibt’s auch in Andalsuien zu kaufen, ist aber leider nicht mehr in Schweizer Besitz. 🙁

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