Pe-Pe-Peppers …

BreadBakingDay #21 - Pizza Party and giveaways for 2 years anniversary - last day of submission July 1stFor the Bread Baking Day, which has its second anniversary this month, Zorra from 1x umrühren bitte announced a pizza party.

That’s nice, because we like pizza. The peppers were on sale, the zucchini was the first of a long summer full of zucchinis and the chorizo already was in the fridge for a while. Fits!

In my opinion, for a good pizza you need a good tomato sauce and should invest some time in it. So this was the most time-consuming part. But it was worth the effort.

Bell Pepper & Chorizo Pizza


Source: 28.06.09 by Sus
Kategorien: Pizza, Bell Peppers, Chorizo
Yields: 1 Baking Tray


14 g Fresh yeast
180 ml Warm wasser (37° C)
1 pinch Sugar
350 g Flour (here: spelt flour)
2 tablespoons Olive oil
Salt, pepper
1 teaspoon Thyme mix or fresh thyme
1 Onion
2-3 cloves Garlic (or more)
2 tablespoons Olive oil
1 twig Rosemary
5 twigs Thyme
2 twigs Oregano
2 small cans Tomatoes
Salt, pepper
2 Bell peppers, orange
1 Zucchini
1 Red pepper, medium hot
1 medium-sized Onion
200 g Chorizo; cut in thin slices
1 twig Rosemary
100 g Soft goat’s cheese; im crumbles


Dissolve the yeast with the sugar in the water and let rest a short while.

Mix the salt and the thyme into the flour and add the olive oil. Slowly mix in the yeast water, using a dough hook first, then knead with the hands until you have a smooth, soft dough.

Moisten the surface lightly and cover the bowl with a clean towel. Now either put the bowl into the oven at 50° C or into the full sunshine, until the dough’s volume has doubled.

Chop the onion, garlic and the fresh spices and sauté them with some olive oil. Cut the tomatoes roughly still in their cans and pour them into the pot. Now reduce the sauce in ca. 1 hour to half of its volume, stirring constantly. Season it to taste.

Slice the bell peppers aund the zucchini. Cut the onion into slices and quarter these. Marinate all with some olive oil, chopped rosemary, salt and pepper.

Roll out the dough on the baking tray (slightly oiled or with some baking paper) thinly. First spread the sauce evently, leaving out the edge, then add the remaining ingredients.

Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes in the oven at 250° C.


– My oven has a setting „Intense heat“. I used this and the pizza was very crisp.


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