She said Potato …

BreadBakingDay #17, last day of submission March 1I am happy to have managed to bake a bread for a Bread Baking Day again. So happy that I nearly forgot to blog about it … SmileyWeia2.gif

The current Bread Baking Day is hosted by Lien from Notitie van Lien and she wanted to see some breads with potatoes. When I made this dish, I wanted some easy-to-bake bread with it. I found the following recipe which is really very easy and only needs some time for the dough to rise slowly.

Flat Potato Bread


Source: Found in the internet and tried 08.02.09 by Sus
Categories: Bread, Potato, Yeast
Yields: 1 Bread


500 gram Flour
500 ml Water
100 gram Instant mashed potatoes (powder)
1-2 teaspoons Salt
1 teaspoon Sugar
1 package Dry yeast
Olive oil
Sea salt


Knead the ingredients together to get a firm dough. Let it rest in a cool place for some hours.

Put some baking paper on a tray and spread the dough across. With the handle of a cooking spoon press some holes into the dough. Brush the surface with olive oil liberally so that some of the oil collects in the holes. Sprinkle with a lot of salt.

Bake in the preheated (convection) oven for 10 minutes at 200°C and then for 15 minutes at 175°C.

4 Gedanken zu „She said Potato …“

  1. Hi Sus, no you’re still on time, this day hasn’t ended yet 😉
    What a great bread to eat with that lovely beanstew. Love the color! Thanks for participating this month BBD!

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