Comfort food …

Since the weather outside is lousy (cold and rainy) I decided to have something nice to eat: something hot, but quickly made, with some bacon and some cheese. A lonely courgette sat waiting in my fridge (well, not really lonely: the fridge is full enough, but the courgette was the only one of its kind.) and I remembered something about a blog event with stuffed vegetable: WTSIM: Stuffed fruit/vegetables at Cook sister!. Why not?

Stuffed Courgette


Source: Created 29.05.2007 by Sus
Categories: Zucchini, Courgette, Bacon
Yield: 1 Serving


1 medium sized Courgette
100 gram Bacon; diced
1 Onion; chopped
1 clove Garlic; chopped
1 handful Flat leaf parsley; chopped
2 table spoon Pine seeds
70 gram Pecorino cheese; grated
1 tea spoon Coriander; ground
Piment; ground
Black pepper; ground
1/3 litre Water
1 tea spoon Instant vegetable stock
70 gram Yoghurt
1 tea spoon Lemon juice


Clean the courgette and cut it in two halves, lengthwise. Use a spoon to remove the seeds and some of the flesh, leaving approx. 1 cm. Take the courgette flesh and chop it.

Heat a pan. First roast the pine seeds, then add the garlic and the onion. After a while add the bacon. Let it roast, stirring permanently, then add the parsley and the courgette flesh. Season to taste.
Remove filling from the pan and fill the halves of the courgette. Top with some grated cheese.

Fill the pan with some water – the water level must be lower than the courgette is high – and add some instant vegetable stock. Set the courgettes into the pan carefully and let cook with closed lid for approx. 15-20 minutes.

If there is filling left which did not fit into the courgettes, reheat it in the broth and put beside the courgettes on the plate.

Stir some lemon juice into the yoghurt and serve beside the courgette.


– Be careful with salt: If the bacon is salty, you do not need to add any.
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Ein Gedanke zu „Comfort food …“

  1. My kind of dish! Now this is exactly the kind of dish I’d make… I am always peering into the fridge and thinking „OK, this and this and that need to be eaten – what can I make with them?“! I also like the fact that this dish is actually poached in broth – quite different to other stuffed courgette recipes I have seen. Thanks for takign part in WTSIM and hope to see you again next month 🙂

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