Broken Hearts on Valentine’s Day

A heart for your Valentine [February 15, 2008]Zorra from 1 x umrühren, bitte invited again this year to celebrate Valentine’s day. I knew quite soon that I wanted to make heart-shaped noodles, but I wanted to serve the dish on Valentine’s day, not earlier. I prepared the noodles last week and let them dry. Luckily I made my pictures then and not yesterday: during the week they broke – all by themselves!

Heart Noodles with Hearts

Source: 14.02.2008 by Sus
Categories: Noodle
Yield: 2 Servings




100 gram Flour
5 tablespoons Red beet juice
1 Egg
200 Gramm Spinach leaves (frozen)
1 small Onion; finely chopped
1 Yellow or red bell pepper
4 slices Cheddar (mild and strong)
6 slices Ham
5 tablespoons Cream
750 Gramm Nutmeg
100 ml Salt, pepper


To make the noodles, put flour and salt into a bowl. Mix in the egg. Add the red beet juice one spoon after the other and mix. Knead the dough for about 15 minutes until it is soft and smooth. Cover the bowl and let rest for half an hour.

With a pasta maker or a rolling pin make thin sheets of dough, like for lasagne. Either put them on a working place dusted with flour or directly on the trays where the noodles will dry later. With a small heart-shaped biscuit cutter cut … small heart-shaped noodle biscuits. The remaining part of the dough can be used for the next pasta sheet.

For the sauce use the same biscuit cutter to cut hearts from the ham and the cheese. Do the same with the rinsed and halved bell pepper. (Easier than I thought!) Here the remains may be eaten.

Bring a pot full of water to boil and boil the noodles until they are ‚al dente‘. This may vary, depending on the time the noodles have been drying.

Fry the finely chopped onion with some fat or oil, add the spinach and some water. Stir in the cream. Add salt and pepper. After 10 minutes add the ham and the bell pepper. Add nutmeg.

Add the cheese hearts when serving.


– Unfortunately the noodle hearts lost their pink colour while cooking. They had nearly the same colour as the ham.

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